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My Buddy Blue

Tuesday 08/23/2005 1:35 AM

Have you ever met a dog (or any animal for that matter) that just grabbed you? I can count on one hand my instant connections with furry friends (a few dogs and one giraffe).

A couple months ago, I drove out east of town to meet my friend, Bob Johnson, out on his duck farm. I'll talk more about Bob some other time. Right now I want to talk about Blue. Check your Image of the Day to see this big guy and, yes, that is German Shepard he is towering over. Suffice it to say, Blue is huge!

From the moment his eyes met mine, I knew I had met one of those old soul dogs whose species belies their Zen-like calm of otherworldly wisdom. He followed me around the yard, occasionally breaking away to romp with his buddies. Undoubtedly, as friendly as he was toward me, I was much more taken by him then he was by me.

Yeah, it's all about projection and you know how I miss the Chaunce-Man, but I wish I could have taken Blue home.

More Fresh Market goodness this evening. I picked up some rotisserie Bourbon Street salmon for Candy and I. Also grabbed a Cappuccino Marscapone Coffee Cake. Both were grand.

File Under: Bob Johnson; Dogs; Fresh Market
Music: Various Artists "Desert Blues 2"

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